Agricultural education focuses on 'cultivating' people, nurturing people's souls

It's time for each of us to frankly look at ourselves, open our vision, actively seek directions, create new values...

LTS: On the occasion of Vietnam Teachers' Day (November 20), Minister of Agriculture and Rural Development Le Minh Hoan has an open letter to dear teachers and teachers of training institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development. Newspaper Vietnamese culture respectfully introduce. The title in the article is set by the editorial office.

Giờ thực tập của sinh viên Học viện Nông nghiệp Việt Nam. Ảnh: HVNN.

Internship hours of students of Vietnam Academy of Agriculture. Photo: HVNN.

At the beginning of the letter, I would like to send to the teachers and teachers at the training institutions of the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development respectful greetings and best wishes on the occasion of the celebration of Vietnam Teachers' Day.

Would like to share with you, teachers, your feelings and thoughts through business trips, field surveys, training courses, through books discussing education stories at home and abroad. . To be honest, the open letter also outlines the vision and dream for the system of human resource training institutions for agriculture on the path of sustainable development. With the spirit of curiosity, openness and sincerity, I look forward to receiving many real and multi-dimensional feedback and contributions from teachers and teachers.

Along with the development process of the education - training industry, the system of training institutions under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development has trained generations of human resources for the agricultural sector. The team of leading experts, leaders, managers, officials and agricultural technical workers mostly come from these traditional schools. Proud of our contributions and dedication to the cause of growing people, to the development of sustainable agriculture, we are determined to create the future together.

I am impressed with the progress of the schools that I have the opportunity to visit, from the glorious past, through the dynamic present, to the promising future with many determinations, beliefs and expectations. I listen to the sentiments, narratives and concerns of leaders, managers, and moral teachers who do not accept to fall behind, even though they are still facing many difficulties. I understand the chaos of everyday life with the mechanism still many inadequacies, making each step like each step, weighing the right and necessary but not officially recognized and inappropriate. but still present in the rules and principles. Although there still exists a gap between intentions and actions, I feel that we are fully capable of overcoming obstacles, diversifying resources, and doing better than our responsibilities and obligations.

It's time for each of us to frankly look at ourselves, open our vision, actively seek directions, create new values.

Minister Le Minh Hoan

Nothing is constant in a changing world. It's time for each of us to frankly look at ourselves, open our vision, actively seek directions, create new values. In the face of a wave of change, each person has many options. Or refuse to change. Or accept reluctantly, reluctantly. Or accept, actively adapt, integrate, borrow thrust, move forward quickly. Today's choices create tomorrow's results. Time does not wait for justification, passively, looking forward to when “Change happens so quickly that a new thing has just been born, and has not yet been shaped, a newer one has appeared, ready to take its place.”.

People in the system have more insight into the inner story; People outside the system have a different perspective. People in the system are familiar with each "walking path" in the campus fence of the institute, school; people outside the system are often interested in opportunities to interact, connect in multiple dimensions with a larger, more open space. People in the system are busy from professional work, administration, administration to planning “rice, rice, money”; people outside the system, not under those pressures, so the way of thinking is sometimes more open, less constrained by “knot, bottleneck”. In a world of constant change, “high wall, closed gate” close the opportunity, easily lead to isolation. Then, why "insiders" and "outsider" do not complement each other, optimize resources, to go further together?

Bộ trưởng Lê Minh Hoan: Mỗi thầy cô cần tìm kiếm, so sánh giữa cái cũ và cái mới, đào sâu thêm nội dung bài giảng, tự đặt câu hỏi 'có cách nào tốt hơn nữa không'?. Ảnh: Nguyên Huân.

Minister Le Minh Hoan: Every teacher needs to search and compare the old and the new, dig deeper into the content of the lecture, and ask themselves the question "is there a better way"? Photo: Nguyen Huan.

A philosopher of mind education: "If we continue to guide today's student in the same way as yesterday's education, we can take away his or her future." Throughout the continuous flow of science and technology, growth thinking, management theory, working methods, etc., the knowledge we have learned, the skills we have approached, after all, is from yesterday. Yesterday's things, no matter how good or perfect, if not updated and adjusted in time, it will be difficult to keep up with the speed of society's movement.

The scientist Galileo reminded: "Teaching is the second learning". Before each class period, each teacher needs to search and compare the old and the new, deepen the content of the lecture, and ask questions. “is there any better way”, to convey, elicit new, open and practical thoughts for learners. Don't mold, "sample" his lectures. On the contrary, let's create many emotions and inspire learners, arouse what is hidden, light up aspirations for learners.

Do not mold, "model" your lectures. On the contrary, create a lot of emotions and inspire learners.

Minister Le Minh Hoan

“The average teacher just talks. Good teachers explain. The teacher is better than the proof. Excellent and inspirational teachers”. To inspire, an inspirational person, first of all, needs inspiration, creates positive energy, knows how to overcome the negative emotions that always cling to each of us every day, every hour. Many evidences show that, above intelligence, good knowledge or mastery skills, it is emotional intelligence, love, and compassion that are decisive factors for success in each person.

Leadership and management not only revolves around professional knowledge and management skills, but also needs to know how to create a friendly and healthy environment, so that people who are good, even better than themselves, work enthusiastically and passionately. passionate dedication, more creative motivation.

To do so, that environment needs to encourage harmony, where all members are cared for, respected and shared. That environment has no place for narrow prejudices and biased treatment. That environment is filled with laughter, creates joy at work, and makes work fun.

The environment of every organization needs to be nurtured every day so that the workplace as "second home". The educational and pedagogical environment needs more than that, so schools are always considered as “temple, sanctuary” of knowledge, etiquette and personality.

Agriculture gradually transformed from "production mindset" arrive "economic thinking", from a single-value engineering industry to a multi-task, multi-function, multi-value integrated economy. In addition to the targets of output and export turnover of agricultural products, the agriculture industry has begun to pay more attention to the research and application of organic, ecological, intelligent and circular models to aim at target “transparency, accountability, sustainability”. These new approaches and perspectives need to be guided and introduced in training programs and contents, through each subject and lecture period.

Bộ trưởng Lê Minh Hoan thăm trường Cao đẳng Cơ điện xây dựng Việt Xô. Ảnh: Nguyên Huân.

Minister Le Minh Hoan visits Viet Xo College of Electrical Engineering and Construction. Photo: Nguyen Huan.

Each teacher, teacher should take the time to observe, learn, talk with students from the first days of admission and try to imagine and imagine how you will graduate from school and enter life. Responsible for leadership, good management or excellent scientists? Successful businessman or industry expert? Does the owner start a business with a potential project or continue to become dedicated teachers? Are agricultural extension officers attached to the fields and pond banks loved by farmers or agricultural counselors in a faraway country who have worked hard to connect the market and introduce the brand of Vietnamese agricultural products? Setting standards, output goals, to prepare knowledge, skills and attitudes for young people who have trusted to study at schools that train human resources for agriculture. Don't make excuses “low input quality” as an obstacle to the dream of growing people.

Don't use "low input quality" as an obstacle to your dream of growing people.

Minister Le Minh Hoan

The mission of agricultural education does not stop at farming techniques and animal husbandry. Consistency of opinion “student-centered”Agricultural education focuses on "cultivate" people and nurture the human soul. All things have life and vitality. Many lush trees create deep green forests, full of life. Many students from dear agricultural schools are well equipped with knowledge, skills, have a positive attitude, rich in emotions and love, and can confidently contribute many good things to public organizations. work, for society. What a life worth living then!

Through this letter, I would like to add my gratitude and honor to teachers, teachers, leaders, managers, civil servants, public employees, silent workers in the system of training institutions. created under the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development "Vietnam's teacher's day 20/11". One day in a 365-day rotation, so that each of us has the opportunity to look at ourselves. Each student expressed gratitude and respect to the teachers and aunts. Every teacher looks at generations of students who have taught to contemplate philosophy "Love the job - Respect the profession".

Wishing you good health, happiness and willingness to adapt flexibly to any changes.

Leaving behind yesterday's entanglements, refreshing today's soul, confidently looking to the future, lighting up “Vietnam Agricultural Aspiration 2045”.



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