Implement Regulation No. 24-QD/TW dated 30/07/2021 on the Implementation of the Party Charter; Guidance No. 01-HD/TW dated September 28, 2021 on “Some specific issues in implementing the Party Charter”;
Implement the guiding documents and instructions of the Executive Committee of the Party Committee of Viet Xo College of Engineering and Construction on the congress of the Party cell under the Party Committee for the term 2022-2025.
With the unanimity and direction of the Standing Board of the Party Committee of the University, on the afternoon of June 23, 2022, at the conference room at the grassroots 1. Viet Xo College of Engineering and Construction, the Branch Faculty of Civil Engineering organized successfully completed the Congress for the term 2022 - 2025 in order to evaluate the results of the implementation of the Resolution of the Party cell for the term 2020-2022 and the directions, goals and tasks in the 2022-2025 term. Elected the Party Committee, Secretary and Deputy Secretary for the term 2022-2025.
Attending and directing were Mr. Vu Van Yen, member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice Rector of the University attending and directing the congress. Attending the Congress were comrades from the Party cell.
The Congress listened to the political report, summarizing the Party's work for the 2020-2022 term and the political directions and tasks of the Party cell for the term 2022-2025 and the review report of the Party committee for the 2020-2022 term.
Comrade Phung Van Cao - Secretary of the Party Cell, Dean of the Faculty of Construction affirmed that the Party cell's achievements in the 2020-2022 term, the Party cell was continuously successfully completed by its workers.
The congress also heard the opinions of comrades Hoang Thi Thanh Nga on the work "Orientation to open new professions and enrollment work"; Comrade Vu Xuan Chien gave a speech on "Teaching work at affiliated institutions"; Comrade To Dinh Huan gave a speech on "Exam preparation work for talented students at all levels". The comments all showed the focus, intellectual contribution, clarification of the achieved results and contributed to the solution to carry out the leadership task in the 2022-2025 term in order to gradually build the Branch. stronger and stronger, successfully completing all tasks.
The Congress elected the Party Committee, Secretary and Deputy Secretary for the term 2022-2025.
With the spirit and high solidarity of the Party members, along with the serious, responsible and urgent working spirit, the Congress of the Faculty of Construction for the term 2022-2025 was successful. The Party cell is determined to successfully complete the set targets, contributing to the development of the faculty in particular and the school in general for sustainable development, always being a reliable address for parents, students and the entire population. country.
Some pictures of the Party Congress for the term 2022-2025:
Comrade Chairman of the Congress approved the political report
Party Committee for the term 2020-2022 approved the review
Party members speak at the congress
Comrade Vu Van Yen, Member of the Standing Committee of the Party Committee, Vice Rector of the University delivered a speech to direct the Congress.
Party Committee for the term 2022-2025 launched the Congress
Guest delegates take souvenir photos with the Congress
Articles and photos: Faculty of Construction.