In the bustling atmosphere of the spring of At Ty 2025, on the morning of January 21, 2025, Vietnam-Soviet College of Construction Electromechanics held the 2025 Conference of civil servants and employees.
Attending the Conference were Vice Principal in charge of the school - MSc. Le Hong Phong, MSc. Vu Van Yen - Vice Principal, MSc. Thinh Van Cuong - Vice Principal and all staff and employees of units in the whole school.
Conference of civil servants and employees in 2025
Speaking at the conference, the Vice Principal in charge of the school - MSc. Le Hong Phong commented: 2024 is a year with more difficulties than previous years, especially in the second half of the year. However, the school's staff and workers have united to carry out the assigned tasks well and achieved many remarkable achievements in all activities such as: Admissions; training; quality assurance; student affairs; staff organization and internal political protection; financial affairs; inspection, examination, and anti-corruption work...
2025 is also a year of great changes in the context of the Party and the State having many strong and drastic innovation policies. In that general situation, comrade Le Hong Phong also proposed directions and targets that the school needs to resolutely implement in 2025.
Vice Principal in charge of the school - MSc. Le Hong Phong speaking at the Conference
According to the report on the implementation results of the Resolution of the Conference of cadres, civil servants and workers in 2024, the direction and tasks of work in 2025: In 2024, the Vietnam-Soviet College of Construction Electromechanics faces intertwined advantages and difficulties, challenges. In general, the contents set out in the Resolution for 2024 have been implemented, but there are still some contents that need to be strived to be better implemented in 2025, such as employment for students after graduation.
Vice President of the Union - Comrade Thinh Van Cuong spoke at the conference
Regarding the inspection work in 2024, comrade Hoang Ngoc Lam - Deputy Head of the People's Inspection Committee commented: In the past year, the whole school has carried out the activities well, without any outstanding incidents. The People's Inspection Committee has supervised and participated in inspections in a number of contents as required by the implementation of the regulations of the Committee and the school's regulations. The supervision was carried out according to plan for basic contents and sudden verification of arising incidents. At the same time, comrade Hoang Ngoc Lam also represented the Inspection Committee to present the directions and activities of the Committee in 2025.
At the conference, representatives of units and directly the Principal shared, discussed, answered and recorded opinions and suggestions of employees.
Comrade Nguyen Thu Quynh - representative of the Training Department gave a speech at the Conference
Comrade Nguyen Thi Lanh - representative of the Faculty of Basic Sciences gave a speech at the Conference
Also at the Conference, authorized by the awarding levels, MSc. Le Hong Phong awarded the Award to 02 Party cells of the School Party Committee that met the standards of "Clean, strong, exemplary" and 26 Party members who excellently completed their tasks in 2024.
Party cells and Party members achieved excellent results in completing their tasks
The Vice Principal in charge of the school hopes that the staff and workers of the whole school will be aware of the difficulties and challenges ahead, and accept them with a proactive spirit. Along with that, they will do their best and fulfill their duties and responsibilities of their job positions; comply with the law, work in the most disciplined manner, enhance professionalism, and become even more dedicated once they have been dedicated.
The 2025 Conference of Civil Servants and Employees of the Vietnam-Soviet College of Construction Electromechanics was a great success. The Conference passed a Resolution with the contents agreed upon by 100%, and at the same time called on all civil servants and employees to promote the achievements they have made, strive to successfully fulfill their political tasks, and actively contribute their efforts and intelligence to build the School stronger and stronger.